Graduate Careers advice

December 29, 2022
Decrypting the job description
Advice is really what we request once we know the answer but wish we didn’t. (Erica Jong)

Here is my number of different bits of suggestions about scholastic career issues in math, about arranged because of the phase of career at which the advice is many important (though definitely a number of the advice pertains to several stages).

Disclaimer: The advice the following is really generic in general; I don’t imagine to own any type of “silver round” that'll resolve all job problems. You will definitely must examine many elements, contexts, and requirements certain to your very own circumstance, as well as using a wholesome dose of good sense, before generally making any important profession choices. I'd in particular recommend discussing such decisions with your consultant when you yourself have one, as he or she'll know about your situation and can be able to provide relevant advice. Also, it ought to be clear that a lot of with this advice is focused towards scholastic careers in math; obviously, there are numerous various other career options available besides this, but We have no specially informed guidance to supply for these types of alternatives.

  • Primary college level
  • Twelfth grade level
  • Undergraduate amount
  • Graduate level
  • Postdoctoral degree

I will be also (slowly) undergoing gathering my thoughts on time management from the point of view of an investigation mathematician.

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