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JobsinWales.com, CardiffJobs.co.uk, SwanseaJobs.co.uk, NewportJobs.co.uk, BridgendJobs.co.uk, WrexhamJobs.com, SouthWalesJobs.net, WestWalesJobs.net & NorthWalesJobs.net
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Phone: 08 (amongst the hours of 8.30am - 5.30pm, Mon-Fri)
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Write to us:
CardiffJobs.co.uk Ltd
Executive Centre
Cathedral Road
CF11 9HA
Trying to get a Job via an iPad / Tablet / smart phone:
If you use a mobile device or tablet and are having difficulty in uploading a CV when applying for employment, please follow these easy steps:
- Take note of the job title AND guide few the vacancy
- Email/forward a duplicate of your CV and employment cover letter combined with the task name and reference number to . (you can paste the CV details directly into a message if you fail to attach it)
- We will upload/create your CV and publish your details obtainable via our internet site
- When the CV is uploaded to your account, it's possible to produce additional applications via your unit right.